Back row (left to right): Lisa Badger, Doresah A. Ford-Bey, Taryn Fisher, IWILTA presenter Gloria Cotton, Janelle Gurnsey, Marcy Cascio-Hale, Linh Nguyen, Ph.D., Chaundra Bishop
Front row (left to right): Laura Yepez, Julie Kaviar, Celeste Flores, Elisabeth Ward, Micaela Smith
Lisa Badger
Labor Relations Manager, Illinois Department of Insurance
Springfield, Illinois
Chaundra Bishop
Regional Health Officer, Illinois Department of Public Health
Urbana, Illinois
Marcy Cascio-Hale
Attorney, Southern Illinois Law Center
Murphysboro, Illinois
Taryn S. Fisher
Member, Village of Lake Bluff Board of Trustee
Partner, Sage Counsel, LLC
Lake Bluff, Illinois
Celeste Flores
Director of Community Building, Mano a Mano Family Resource Center
Co-Chair, Clean Power Lake County
Gurnee, Illinois
Doresah A. Ford-Bey
Chief Programs Officer and acting Chief Communications Officer, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Chicago, Illinois
Janelle Gurnsey
Director, Teachers’ Retirement System of State of Illinois
Petersburg, Illinois
Julienn “Julie” Kaviar
Chief of Staff, Cook County Commissioner Scott Britton
Chicago, Illinois
Linh Nguyen, Ph.D.
Instructor (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry), Northern Illinois University (NIU)
DeKalb, Illinois
Micaela Smith
Founder/CEO, Le Penseur Group, LLC
Trustee, Village of Lansing
Lansing, Illinois
Elisabeth Ward
Board Secretary, Our Common Ground
Co-Founder & Director, Bond County Area Theater
Greenville, Illinois
Laura Yepez
Cook County Democratic Committeeperson, 1st Ward
Owner, Wicker Park Inn
VP of Human Operations and Finance, Screenverse
Chicago, Illinois